I’m having a great time watching the GOP twist itself out of shape trying to find a strategy to win over Hispanic voters. How a party that prides itself on its pro-business platform and that chose a “tried and proven” businessman as its candidate, could be taken by surprise by the voting power of a rapidly-growing minority that, in 2015, will represent $1.5 trillion in purchasing power is just mind-boggling.
However, for those living in the past, delusionally holding on to a black-and-white photo of an America that no longer exists, I can see how the new, multi-hued, colorful America is confusing to them. Yes, when it comes to strategy building, the GOP had it much easier during the time of Lee Atwater and his Southern Strategy against African-Americans. Back then all they needed to do was to use certain code words to get the racist majority in the South to show up to vote.
I can see how difficult it must be for a party that for so long counted on a white majority, to accept that the “new majority” is a bunch of non-white minorities. I can also see that it must be practically impossible for a party that is so comfortable with divisiveness to come up with a plan and a message of inclusion. But, come up with it, they must.
Some in the GOP have claimed that Latinos are natural Republicans because of their religion and family values (as if we Democrats were all atheist degenerates), but as this Daily Kos article shows, they’re also wrong about this assumption.
Perhaps the GOP does not yet have a Hispanic strategy because for too long now when they hear “Latinos” they think “illegal immigrants.” It might be a good idea to get rid of their racism and stereotypes before they embark on any strategy development.
As for the Hispanic community, it is of utmost importance that it stays vigilant. It must not forget that just 10 days ago, the GOP didn’t care as much for it as it does now.
Starting immediately, Hispanic initiatives from the GOP, the party that had an actual strategy against another minority, that killed the Dream Act in 2010, and that even today engages in dirty tactics to suppress Hispanic vote (as well as those of other Democrat-voting minorities), should be closely examined. The GOP Hispanic strategy must not be a collection of empty code words without any real substance behind them.
Seeing that 71% of Hispanics voted for President Obama (vs. 27% for Romney), I don’t think I need to say this, but I’ll go ahead anyway. When it comes to the GOP, beware, or better said: Cuidado!