Ben Affleck has recently expressed his disappointment with President Obama and his first two years in office by telling the Associated Press:
“I voted for Obama last time although he got to be all things to all people then…And now he’s got a record which makes it really different … I obviously have more complicated feelings.”
It seems that Affleck’s complicated feelings don’t factor in the obstruction that the GOP-led House has mounted against President Obama, since 2010, in their dogged pursuit to have him serve only one term. Affleck’s feelings also fail to recognize that despite this obstruction President Obama was able to: pass healthcare reform, repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” save the U.S. auto industry, end the war in Iraq and achieve 45 other accomplishments so far, making his first term one of the most productive in the history of our country.
But what is even more surprising than Affleck’s feelings about President Obama is his take on Mitt Romney:
“I think Republicans really had a chance to win, and they kind of ended up with like a sort of Mike Dukakis, Al Gore, Bob Dole type – who just couldn’t get people to see him as a real person somehow. Romney just had such trouble coming off as just like the kind of person you see at the grocery store. And I truly believe that has cost him the election.”
I’d like to clarify to Ben Affleck that what has cost Romney the election is not that he doesn’t come across as the average Joe. What has cost Romney the election is that, at first, we didn’t know what he really stood for (since he himself couldn’t make up his mind), and that now, thanks to his 47% speech, we do know (and it isn’t pretty).
Ben Affleck has it all wrong. His feelings for President Obama are complicated when the bottom line is very simple: President Obama has done a hell of a job, considering what he inherited from George W. Bush and the all-out war that the GOP has waged against him.
On the other hand, Affleck’s simple explanation that Romney’s inability to connect to voters is what has “cost him the election,” is, well, too simplistic. The truth is a bit more complicated, and it has to do with the complications that arise when a candidate will do and say anything to get to the Oval Office. This is otherwise called “selling one’s soul,” and the price that one ends up paying is too high, even for someone as rich as Romney.
By the way, after reading about Affleck’s remarks, I have one last simple thought about him: He should never quit his day Hollywood job.