There’s really not a lot to say. I didn’t think that I could write a post about the RNC and the DNC because, while totally different, they were both so self-evident. In other words, I hope that there are not many who after watching even just 10 minutes of the Republican National Convention and another 10 minutes of the Democratic National Convention are still hesitating for whom to vote, or voting for Trump either due to sympathy for his ideas or sympathy for Sanders’ loss. If there are, then there’s really no hope for our country.
But, I want to stay positive on this post. I want to keep the feeling that I had watching the DNC, watching the speeches, coming to the realization that, even in politics, love is the answer. I know that this sounds corny, but this is the overwhelming conclusion that I reached watching the Democratic convention.
I am aware that a lot of it is political marketing, political mastery, even manipulation. But, I’d rather be manipulated by love than by fear. I’d rather be presented with a vision of the future that is hopeful instead of hopeless. I prefer to be reminded that we must stay together and work together to achieve our common goals (even our individual ones), instead of being told that one man is the answer to all our ills (the real and the mostly imagined).
The RNC was both laughable and sad, a snapshot of what the Republican Party has devolved into in the past sixteen years, and most markedly in the last eight, during President Obama’s presidency. The RNC was but a big room filled with fear and division featuring speakers trying to outcompete each other’s hateful speeches.
I know that the Democratic Party is not perfect; I know that our political system is even less so. But, I want to be part of the solution, and I cannot do this alone. I also cannot do this with people who see themselves superior to others because of their place of birth, the color of their skin, the religion they practice, or their definition of love. With all its imperfections, the Democratic Party represents more of who I am than who I’m not, and so did the DNC.
To make 8-days-worth-of story short, the RNC was a freak show, the DNC was a class act. Come November, there is no choice or, better said, there’s only one.